On March 9th members of the Global MBA class, enjoying our time in the ESSEC Singapore campus, enjoyed an afternoon visit to L Capital. After a long day of lectures and presentations we met at the L Captial offices which are located in the World City West Tower in a very nice part of Singapore.
We were greeted by members of the top management, including the VP of Operations, Shantanu Mukerji.
We got an introduction into the history of the company and walk-through of some of their many interesting investments. We also had the opportunity to discuss the future challenges that the luxury industry faces as well as the ongoing challenges and opportunities that the fast-paced rise of Asia present to an industry which has traditionally had their dominant focus on Europe.
Unfortunately all too soon the visit was over, and we had to move on to other appointments in our busy schedules. As Global MBA students at ESSEC we have had the opportunity to meet and be introduced to many of the most exciting companies around the world, but only few have been as interesting as the trek to L Capital.
For me personally, having worked with business development and optimization for years, the meeting at L Capital was very interesting and inspirational. I am sure I am not the only student who will be eager to follow the further development of this exciting company and their impressive portfolio of tomorrow’s potential star brands.

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